A friend of your Bestfriend is being mean to you and defaming your image to other people. You told your BFF about it but your BFF insist to realize this horrible thing can be done by that friend and you're a liar. How would you assess the situation?
132 votes
I would totally ditch both of them to prevent a three way destruction. Bestfriend is not best at all if your bestfriend won't even trust you.
I will capture an evidence of bullying and the abuse and show it to my bestfriend. That way, my bestfriend won't think I'm lying.
I will just let myself get bullied rather than loosing my bestfriend.
I will assess this situation by means of force. Being bullied is not my thing.
I will setup my bestfriend to witness this abuse by my bestfriend's own eyes. This is the only way to get my bestfriend involved.
I will tell my bestfriend to choose between me and that friend. This is a better way to tell who's important the most.
I will drop both of them. It isn't worth your time staying in a situation like that. We barely have a century on this planet. Don't waste it with people who don't care about you, or don't respect your opinions enough to listen to you.
I will sue that friend of my best friend. Bullying is illegal anywhere and I'm sure to win my case.
I will try to friend my bestfriend's friend even if that person ruins me in Public. I will show my friendly approach isn't going anywhere.
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Caty34576's avatar

I let out my Russian sideand beat the shit out of them

....I mean I would let out my Swedish side and scare them with my "scary as shit" glare and be like you ducks